GoBugsGo on Instagram go_bugs_go THE WHITE ELEPHANT. An installation at church St. GoBugsGo NON-HUMAN ZONE in Weitra, Lower Austria, GoBugsGo NON-HUMAN ZONE in Wallenforf, Burgenland, GoBugsGo NON-HUMAN ZONE in Breitenbrunn, Burgenlan GoBugsGo NON-HUMAN ZONE at Capodimonte, Naples, I GoBugsGo NON-HUMAN ZONE in Langenlois, Lower Austr GoBugsGo NON-HUMAN ZONE in Oberarnsdorf, Lower Aus GoBugsGo NON-HUMAN ZONE in S.Johann, Lower Austria The Nordico city museum in Linz is dedicating a co Last thursday I was granted a grand prize of the s Instagram post 18008896493446205 yesterday evening: holding the keynote at @innsbru Instagram post 18046250248772942 tuesday may 21st at 5PM. inauguration of the walk come join us tuesday at 5pm Come and help us inaugurate the WALK OF INSECTS co Come and help us inaugurate the WALK OF INSECTS co Come and help us inaugurate the WALK OF INSECTS co cornus - yummy stuff for the bugs in treviso. on m Instagram post 18088949260426703 happy easter! buona pasqua! frohe ostern! here in soon out of this soil thousands of flowers will po sunset and sunrise in tarquinia. just arrived - jean-henri fabre’s ‘souvenirs e making orange jam day in day out feels like being making 300 jars of ORANGE and LEMON JAM in the mid yesterday night my latest film LE FORMICHE DI MIDA Kommt! - es geht um die Natur. Weitere Vorstellung Die wunderbare Renata Schmidtkunz hat ein Ö1 Gesp Finissage of my show E LA NAVE VA at the garden pa SAY HI! my exhibition E LA NAVE VA at the garden pavillion Kommt morgen um 11:00 nach Melk zur Eröffnung mei Instagram post 17992446196954770 Instagram post 17863377266947122 Instagram post 17940506552650394 tuscia A critique of MIDAS‘ ANTS. There will be three m Midas premiere at IFFR last night. fantastic scree Thursday night we‘ll celebrate the world premier happy holidays! this is a tree i drew almost 20 ye ‚GIVE NATURE A BREAK‘ a super short movie abou Instagram post 17923830170488136 Instagram post 17902376438662777 Inauguration of gobugsgo’s first italian non-hum watch @ https://gobugsgo.org/noevers-grube-25-9-20 gobugsgo.org NON-HUMAN-ZONE in Breitenbrunn. becom GoBugsGo präsentation in Peter Noevers Grube kura Instagram post 17922811964578326 https://tvthek.orf.at/profile/Burgenland-heute/700 gobugsgo.org is bringing down houses in favor of t Friday 10/6 we did a house-demolishing-performance it‘s happening! friday we’ll be tearing down a season starting! seeds turning into plants for htt this is the teaser for our new website. check out Spring in the Maremma/Italy! Busy bees and bugs ar wild fennel north of rome covered by millions of s would you like to become a bugs ambassador in your This is 86 year old Johanna from Güthersloh/Germa You own or happen to know a patch of land for sale Soon gobugsgo.org will have a non-human-zone in Na #go_bugs_go #edgarhonetschlager #savetheinsects # We buy land together and give it back to nature. B Coming up: Exhibition 25thAnniversary Kunstforum M go_bugs_go presentation at Charim Galerie, Vienna, Kunsthalle Vienna, 2018 (Foto: Klemens Ortmeyer) GoBugsGo Presentation at Frankfurter Kunstverein, GoBugsGo presentation at Forum Stadtpark Graz, #go GoBugsGo Performance at Quartiere Intelligente, Na GoBugsGo presentation at H2 Glaspalast in Augsburg GoBugsGo has had 12 presentations in art instituti We buy land together and give it back to nature. S no bugs = no humans. but the BUGGY community is co #go_bugs_go at the forum austriaco di cultura roma gobugsgo.org at the portico of the MAK, museum of Instagram post 18224039098053476 Instagram post 17915476996668122 Instagram post 18144607747197066 Flowers for BUGS! finally. On the way to shooting Instagram post 17996623555316685 Instagram post 17863805735342294 https://honetschlaeger.com/sos/ FUKUSHIMA As 2021 Instagram post 17872102982022416 Instagram post 17872946098963205 Instagram post 17867741837051128 Instagram post 18078843157223632 gobugsgo@ #quartiereintelligente #edgarhonetschlä Instagram post 17848476323326199 preparations at the quartiere intelligente for the first presentation of gobugsgo.org in italy at #qu with my family - after years. #go_bugs_go #edgarho 1970ies! Energy crises in the industrialized world english will follow soon. 1970' jahre! Energiekri a peek into yesterday‘s image from the gobugsgo the GOBUGSGO advent calender will be out and ready #go_bugs_go WINE by the austrian #weingutheinrich december 14th@5pm @ #kunstvereineisenstadt present gobugsgo.org JOIN the MOVEMENT NOW! BECOME A BUGGY #frankfurterkunstverein #treesoflife #edgarhonetsc inauguration of the first GoBugsGo.org landpatch w gobugsgo.org acquired its first piece of land! ano gobugsgo.org has not fallen in oblivion. we are s italy - cruel insect killer machines. #go_bugs_go breaking news :) signing the contracts for acquiri https://dorftv.at/video/31322 gobugsgo.org #go_b JOIN the ‘1000 BUGGS FILM COMPETITION‘ now an tomorrow night @ #museumdermodernesalzburg - come gobugsgo.org #museumdermodernesalzburg #mozart #s #landesgalerielinz #go_bugs_go #edgarhonetschläge #go_bugs_go #edgarhonetschläger #linz #stadtlinz #forumstadtpark #edgarhonetschläger #go_bugs_go # come see the gobugsgo.org show at its last day. he GOBUGSGO - our movement has taken off. since we la Instagram post 17843921668312936 gobugsgo.org JOIN THE MOVEMENT - BECOME A BUGGY! www.gobugsgo.org IT IS DONE! months of endless work: www.gobugsgo.o BUSY BUGGIES! GoBugsGo work in progress. stamping, if you’re in vienna november 27th & december 4th 1766 jars and bags were filled with vegetables and epilogue. 64 baratoli di pomodori secchi sott’o packing up 1500 jars i’ve filled with veggies fr #pumpkin #watermelon #art #go_bugs_go #edgarhonets #go_bugs_go two rotten melanzane. #acquarello #aquarelle #aqua four different kinds of melanzane from my garden. #cetriolo #cucumber #gurke #きゅうり #aquarell #maremma #edgarhonetschläger #organicfarming #org off we go. next round. salsa. 100kg of tomatos are my dear friend serge with some zucchine from my #g #edgarhonetschläger #organicfarming #organicgarde tired of making sugo. started pommodori secchi tod physalis are ripe. more stuff to work on... #physa sugo making time. the entire night i filled one gl today i harvested on top of what you see fantastic making zucchine sott‘olio with the woschitz clan #maremma #edgarhonetschläger the never ending story... #zucchini #edgarhonetsch the artist at work... photo thomas woschitz #marem good old berta is always with me :) #sambuca #holler #hollunder #elderberry #エルダ preserving 50 kilos of cucumbers from my garden. t yesterday‘s sky. #maremma full frame. #maremma #organicfarming #italy #go_bu things are moving slowly but they are moving. pick japanese breakfast in italy. except the rice every the zucchini harvest started...more pickling to do the photos i’ve been posting recently remind ppl the thyrrenian sea teases me every day as i can se CIVITA finocchiella. #maremma #go_bugs_go HOME #castelletto #italia home #maremma today‘s harvest. things are getting a bit out of SARA e DOMENICO she‘s a police officer, a stron #maremma #italy #italia #nature #art #contemporary tilia flowers make fantastic tea! #lindenblüten # dried wild rose petals, hypericum, malva, black be yesterday i harvested 12kg zucchini. this one is m my vegetable garden. 800m2. hours of work every da HELP! this bug jumped into my car while a was coll roma - ti amo! #italy #edgarhonetschläger #go_bug making hypercum oil. learned from my mom when i w collected wild malva. #malva #organicgardening #wi my birthday dinner in rome with John Turturro Fran melograni. last but not least out of a series of 4 dance. peperoncini. #go_bugs_go #aquarell #aquare #roma good morning onion. #edgarhonetschläger #go_bugs_ pepperoncini. #contemporaryart #art #artist #acqua drawing book. page one. carrot. #semiotexte #drawi Malva #herbalife #flowers #nature #naturephotograp fountain, beeswax, pigments #nature #go_bugs_go #carciofi good morning #go_bugs_go #bugs #art #photography #nature #photography #landscapephotography #landsc #italia #photography #film #art #contemporaryart #landscap and dream #dream #art #contemporaryart #photograph but most of the time i dream #photography #art #c this is my fifth vegetable garden in italy. slowly aliens. on my land. more than last year. we had ha i‘m surrounded by acres of wild land. discovered my house appears like a crown on top of a hill tha